
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Today I was reminded of how important a support system is and finding those who can coach you.  Jennifer thank you for your time.  Even coach's need coaching :)

After being rained on all the way home on a Seattle Summer day I wanted to share with you my new power pose and invite you to bring power into your life.

I dubbed it the "PowerUp Pose" after watching this great Ted talk Power Ted Talk it is goofy but it works.

Join me in Expressing your power and "fake it until you become it".  If I can do it you can too.


  1. Matt, Wanted to let you know I'm enjoying your blog. I especially enjoyed this power pose entry, the video was great. I am going to try this before my next interview.
    Take care,

  2. Thank you Marian, you are the first person to comment and I was very excited to get your message. Good luck with your next interview, I will send a PowerUp out just for you.
