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Race Maps
Calling all racers
14' Race Kicks off
The leaders race for shore
Winner hits home with a clear lead
3rd overall and 1st female
All Boards 2KM Start
Racers head out at full speed
All board winner sprints for the finish
12'6 3KM Race Start
A fast start as the racers head out for the first lap
The winners congratulate each other (many more pictures in the gallery)
A photo finish for a well fought race
Kids Course 800M Start
1st and 2nd Place racing for the beach on there first lap
Racing at its best as these two compete at the highest level
A fast lap followed by a flying transition
1st and 2nd congratulate each other on a well fought race
Sprint 1st Round Start
Sprint 2nd Round Start
Sprint Final 1st and 2nd head for home
SUP sportsmanship at it's best
Flying finish
Relay and the best transition of the day. The team went on to dominate the race.
Second place team dives for home
Caught on camera using super hero skills to reach the beach.
But the other teams are having none of it and try to block the way home.
Racers pay tribute SUP style to the last racer in the relay as she races up the beach.
A great day of racing with a great group of racers
Music on the beach as boards are packed away and the award ceremony is prepared
Just one of the award pictures, a good use of bubbly - you decide :)
Music and a sunset closed out a great day at Jericho Beach.
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