I have to say it was a little sneaky as both Thursday and Friday I felt much better and then Friday night I decided to go all day and all night without pain killers. Mistake, I ended up having a crappy night sleep and waking up with shooting pains behind my eyes and a body, neck and shoulders that felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck. There is no question that pain killers do the job but they also lull you into a force sense of well being until you stop of course. Last night was better with the help of pain killers and tonight after an active day I am already in need of a little pain relief but I will wait until bed time for maximum coverage.
On the up side I have been active all weekend, focused on getting Benny's battery system sorted out and whilst I have been uncomfortable at points during the day, I have been able to stay focused and get all the work done - I call that a win even if my body is less than happy with me.
I am looking forward to getting back to training again after having to stop due to the tooth pains and dentists orders. I hope to get back on the bike towards the end of the week.
I hope you had a great weekend and Maxed life out.
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