As I mentioned in my "Golfers Elbow" post the holiday period has been a mixed bag and that means there where good times to be had and have them we did.
We took our next door neighbors and good friends to see a local production of "It's a wonderful life" performed in the manner of a 50's radio show. As a favorite story of ours it was fun to see the performance at a local school. The evening was rounded off with a pumpkin spice late made without milk or coffee and was quite the creation.
Christmas Eve we took a trip into Seattle and wandered Pike Place Market. The trip was a life saver for me as up until then I was unable to find the present I wanted for Sarah and was afraid I would fail in my mission. The stars however aligned and I found the perfect presents just in time.
Christmas was a day for togetherness as our small family enjoyed each others company and the gift of being able to spend it together. The girls managed to destroy there presents in under 5 minutes flat.
We caught up with some old friends we have not seen in years and spent time with some new friends. and saw the New Year in quietly at home to fireworks from Seattle on the TV. It was a cold night and I did not envy those that had to fight there way out of Seattle.
At the weekend our tree and the holidays got taken down and packed away marking the end of the holiday session and the beginning of a great new year.
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