What a dramatic title, well that's how I felt astride my fat electric bike. I needed to be in the office today and after spending so much time riding I did not feel like driving. On the other hand I also did not feel like getting changed into my cycling kit and then getting changed when I got to work.
Then I remembered, this was one of the purposes I purchased our Sondors electric bikes. The purchase was a bit of an experiment and todays was a chance to put the experiment into practice. I was a little nervous that the bike would not have enough range but having been out with Sarah on hers I estimated it would be fine.
You might be thinking, "What's the big deal if the battery runs out, you are a strong rider, just ride without power", well that was my thought until I tried to ride the bike without power. It is like trying to move an anchored lead weight.
I headed out and soon discovered that although I had assist it still took effort to ride. It did however have enough range to get me to work where I could recharge the battery. What's more the energy output was low enough to keep sweating to a minimum, which was a good thing as I did not have a change of clothes.
Experiment over, I estimate I put in 40%-50% of the effort it would have taken if I had ridden my road bike. So I got a little active recovery and passive exercise whilst avoiding the traffic and breathing some fresh air. I will take that.
Remember to keep it Rubber Side Down and MaxLifeOut.
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