Waking up this morning was thankfully not as hard as I anticipated. I headed down to breakfast around 6:30am (5:30 pst). Walking in I bumped into another rider (Michel) and we shared breakfast together and exchanged stories.

It was then back to the room to get ready for a last ride before it all kicks off. 3 of the Team Type 1 riders hit the road at 8:30 for what should have been an uneventful flat ride. I say should of because right out the gate my power meter was not working, thankfully it was as simple as a flat battery and solved when we got back. With none of us familiar with the roads I mapped out a course and then proceeded to take wrong turn after wrong turn until I finally got us going is a straight line. The first half of the ride was great until a wind storm hit us. I have never been in wind so strong, for about 10 mins we were scoured with dry leaves, twigs and just about everything else the storm could throw at us and fortunately nothing big, like a tree branch. We then rode into a strong head wind for the next few miles until it decided we needed a shower, followed by more wind and then sun. By the time we got back we had been blow dry.

With registration opening at 11am, I packed up my winter cloths and helmet (I had read they wanted to see that riders had them at registration). I then walked to the registration hotel, which was probably not the best plan and I am blaming the effect of altitude. At registration I picked up my rider packet, bags and kit, no one wanted to see my gear but you can bet your life if I had left it behind they would have. The Haute Route staff where really helpful and got me sorted. I checked out the other vendors. I was disappointed not to have won the custom shoe fitting but picked up a water bottle as a consolation. I really did not want to walk back with everything I had just been given, that would have been very unpleasant. Thankfully the Team Type 1 crew were there to look after me.

Back at the hotel I got stuck into sorting out my kit and post race bag for tomorrow. It was not until I finished packing it I realized I would not need it as the race finishes at the hotel (Doh!).
I fitted my frame number and transponder. Ok, so the frame number was a challenge. I seemed to be the only one that could not get it to sit right. I finally gave up and used my number bracket. I really missed the support of Sarah who would have had me sorted and organized in a fraction of the time.
I was really hoping for a nap but by the time everything was done it was time for a massage. OMG I did not think I was that tight or sore.
From massage it was back to the other hotel for the riders briefing. The whole two different hotel thing got old really quickly, it took 30 minutes to walk and an advertised 6 minutes by car which was more like 15 with traffic. After the Briefing it was back to our hotel and out to dinner with the team.
It was a nice location but I thought the restaurant server had sent someone out to hunt the food it took so long to arrive. Ok I might be being a little unfair, I was hungry. It was great hanging with team but as the time went on I felt my self waning and finally decided to say good night.
The race starts at 7am tomorrow with breakfast at 5am, that's a 4:30am wake up (make that 3:30am with the time difference). I am sure for some it is even worse.
It has been a long day and I am sure it has been the same for many of the riders. Wishing everyone a safe and fun day 1 of the Haute Route Rockies tomorow.
Keep it rubber side down and MaxLifeOut.
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