
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Last few days of July 2013

What a week so far, you can read about my IBS challenges in the previous post.  Other than that it has been a week of fun and adventure, out on the river trail on the bikes with friends.  I took the Roberts for a spin and it always surprises me how the bike feels to ride, there seems to be a soul in the old steel frame, like the fact is was built for me has made it over the years a part of me.  Even with the equipment being a little funky and the gears ever so slightly out of adjustment, slack workmanship on my part.  It felt great and the 20 year old wheels and breaks worked like a charm. 

Yoga, this week was intense and with excellent focus on the upper body and core leaving me feeling just a little shaky afterwards :).  So far I have been able to ride to work twice this week and enjoyed pushing myself both there and back.  The climb home is a great workout.

Yesterday I headed over to Lake Union to shoot the last Urban Surf race of 2013, which was very nearly cancelled due to a monster thunderstorm that rolled through.  At home the thunder actually shook the house which was just a little disturbing.  Luckily it passed and I was able to make the race, you can see the next post for full details but this little lady was hanging out with me and was to cute not to take a picture of.

When I got home the sky had turn a fantastic shade of red making a great back drop for a little macro photography of some daisies in the front yard, I hope you like it, I do.

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