
Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy Friday

This week has been all about recovery and patience and I want to share the emotions I have experienced and dealt with so that you know that you are not the only one.  Academically I know that rest is what is needed, I know that if I rest I will get back to full activity as quickly as possible but emotionally I have been assailed by frustration and guilt which takes both concentration and support to keep a positive frame of mind through.

It is always interesting that one of the hardest points of recovery is when the body has overcome the worst but is managing what seems like ongoing low grade issues.  It is also the most dangerous time.  If you lose patience or give into frustration it is all to easy to push the body too far and go back to square one or worse and yes in the past I have done just that.

The other important thing I focus on is continuing to nourish my body and rest.  Both of which become a challenge due to gravitation to "Comfort Food" and lack of rest due to"Agitation".   I have dealt with both this week.

It is important to celebrate the achievements of recovery and not dwell on what is not getting done.

Going into the weekend I am looking forward to seeing some great Paddle Board Racing and getting out on the bike if things pan out, which of course I will share with you.

Have a great Friday and Weekend and whatever you are doing live life to the max and have fun.

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