
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Recovery Journy Part 19 - Power Down

At around 8pm last night the power started to flicker in the house.  With the wind blowing and the rain falling we were not expecting the power to go out but out it went plunging the house and street into darkness.  It's funny how a blackout makes you think about your preparedness.  With candles lit we spent the rest of the evening playing a board game by the light of head torches followed by an early night.

I wish I could say that the romance of the evening led to a peaceful night sleep but no such luck.  At 2am in the morning I woke with my teeth and back aching, not what I was hoping for the day before returning to work.  At 2am I had no choice but to read until the pain killers kicked in, and that turned out to be a good 2 hours.

At about 4am'ish I got off to sleep and woke with both my teeth and head throbbing, I could not help thinking "really, really".   Determined not to let the pain control me and with the power still out we decided to take the dogs for a walk.  It was good to get out but unfortunately by the time I got home the headache was firmly in control again. 

Yet again I am blessed to have such a wonderful wife who sorted everything out as I took painkillers and crashed out on the sofa.  Writing this at 10pm the pain is threatening but under control.  It sucks when you start to not want to go to bed because of the thought of the experience to come.  I don't have an answer to that right now other than to trust that this too will pass and tomorrow things will be better.


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